What If You Only Had a Decade?
Imagine you knew you only had ten years left. How would that revelation change your approach to life and work? Would it ignite a sense of urgency, an appreciation for every moment, or a fearless dive into pursuits you’ve long postponed?
The Galerie Dior
Not long ago, I visited the Galerie Dior in Paris, a place that beautifully narrates the legacy of Christian Dior, a name that resonates worldwide not just in fashion but is the epitome of achieving monumental success in a constrained timeframe. The Galerie is meticulously organized to recount the journey of this iconic fashion house from its inception to current day.
As I walked through the exhibition, surrounded by the elegance of Dior's creations and the stories of his life and achievements, I was deeply moved by his ability to change the world in a mere decade. His journey is a testament to the fact that to make significant impacts, one does not necessarily need a long stretch of time—sometimes, a single decade of focused, passionate work is enough.
How can we emulate Dior’s success in our own lives? It begins with setting goals. What is your "big gorgeous goal"? How can you put it on its feet and start moving towards it? It’s about making your goals a priority and taking tangible steps towards realizing them. It involves a consistent effort, day in and day out, and not being deterred by the fear of failure or the daunting scale of your dreams.
Christian Dior once said, “Simplicity, good taste, and grooming are the three fundamentals of good dressing, and these do not cost money.” Similarly, the fundamentals of achieving our goals—ambition, determination, and action—do not require decades but rather the resolve to begin and perseverance to continue.
As you reflect on your own “decade” and what you might achieve within it, consider the urgency that a limited timeframe imposes. It's not about the pressure of time ticking away; it’s about maximizing the impact of every moment you have. Start now, with whatever you have, wherever you are. The perfect moment is a myth; the perfect start is now.
In the spirit of Dior, let’s not wait for tomorrow to start chasing our dreams. In the art of living, and achieving, the time to start is always today.